How to Get your Child to Apply for Scholarships (2024)

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Be a positive influence in your child’s life and encourage them along the scholarship search process.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

August 23, 2024

How to Get your Child to Apply for Scholarships (1)

The scholarship search can be a family affair. Learn how to help your child strategize and prepare their scholarship applications.

High school students have plenty on their plate: school, homework, extracurricular activities, and more. As they draw closer to college, they must add college and scholarship searches to their already long list of to-dos. For many students, this is overwhelming; and as a parent, you’ll find that they need a little encouragement – and guidance. The Education Data Initiative reports that over 1.7 million scholarships are awarded annually, but only 7% of students receive them. So how can you ensure your child is successful?

Setup a Scholarship Search Strategy

Many students and parents begin the scholarship search assuming it’s all a matter of luck – or merit. But like any other prize, winning scholarships has more to do with the amount of work you’re willing to commit.

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Students need to start the scholarship search sooner rather than later. While most scholarships will start being awarded during the junior and senior years of high school, there are opportunities that are open to children as young as six! Starting the scholarship search early allows your family to invest more time and resources into the process, and spreading the application process out over the years sets you all up for better success. The more scholarships you apply to, the better your chances of winning; and a student who has been applying for years versus a few months may walk away with more scholarship money on hand.It’s also helpful to focus the search on scholarships your child qualifies for, which can be done by using Fastweb. Our free scholarship matching service enables students to see scholarships by state, field of interest – or major, academic performance, extracurricular involvement, employment, and more.

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Help with Application Preparation

The best way to set your child up for success is to create an organized scholarship search and application system. This can be done several ways, but keeping tabs on their process will enable you to provide gentle reminders, ask for specific updates, and share opportunities that you find as well.

Organizing the Required Documents

While every scholarship is different, many require the same components: a form, essays, transcripts, etc. To save time on applications, keeping those often-used documents in one place, like a folder on your child’s desktop or a shared Google Drive, may be helpful.

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You may also want to keep a shared spreadsheet of scholarships. This spreadsheet can be updated as deadlines are posted, scholarships are applied for, and notifications are emailed. PRO TIP: Organize your scholarship spreadsheet by name, URL, deadline, application components, and a final column that indicates whether your child applied and the date they submitted their application.

Helping Craft a Strong Application

A strong scholarship application does three things: it follows directions, it’s submitted before the deadline, and it stands out from other applications. The first two seem obvious, but little mistakes can take your child’s application out of the running before they’ve even started. Another reminder your child may need is to tailor their essays and responses to each application. Their strong application may also be thrown out if they mistakenly reference another scholarship provider because they’ve recycled an essay. Any scholarship application that is tailored to the scholarship to which they’re applying will stick out as a worthy potential scholarship recipient.

Giving Encouragement During the Application Process

The fact that only 7% of students win scholarships tells you one thing: it’s hard to apply for and win scholarships! It is one of those life experiences that doesn’t appear to be paying off – until it does.

Staying Focused and Motivated

We have lots of expert advice at Fastweb: the more scholarships you apply to, the better your chances of winning. You’ll never win if you don’t apply! A dollar won is one less dollar you’ll have to borrow for your education.While these may seem like fluff, they’re true! When your child feels as if they’re putting in the work for no reason, remind them of what is true about applying for and winning scholarships. It takes perseverance and patience.It may also be helpful to encourage them that the bulk of scholarship money comes from colleges and universities. They will likely be awarded merit-based scholarships when they apply for admission. Outside scholarships are won to help them meet the gap between merit and financial aid and what a college costs. Finally, remind your child that applying for college scholarships doesn’t end after high school. There are thousands of scholarships for college students, so they can keep applying through their senior year of college.

Managing Rejections

They may meet rejection after rejection after rejection. Be positive and encourage them to keep trying. Most of our previous scholarship winners will tell you that they applied to hundreds of opportunities before they won. Giving up on the scholarship search may lead them to give up on other pursuits in life. Being persistent in the scholarship application process will instill great life lessons for them: consistency is key, and they should never give up on a good thing.

Understand How Scholarships Fit into the Financial Plan

Scholarships are just one component of the financial plan to pay for college. There are a variety of other sources to pull from, like:•Grants•Work study•Education tax benefits•Savings•Student loansYour child doesn’t need to win a full-ride scholarship to pay for school, although that would be nice too. But the reality is that help will come from other places as well. For instance, CollegeBoard reported that the average financial aid package for students consisted of $10,680 in grants, $3,860 in federal loans, $850 in education tax credits and deductions, and $90 in Federal Work-Study.

Common Scholarship Application Mistakes

Little mistakes can cost your child a chance of winning a scholarship. It cannot be emphasized enough that they should proof their application multiple times and ensure they’ve followed all directions.Scholarship providers will not look at any application that is submitted after the deadline, especially those that had to be submitted by a certain time, i.e. 11:59 p.m. It also makes their job easier when they find a scholarship essay that is riddled with typos, bad grammar, and incomplete thoughts. They will simply throw it out without completing their review!Give your child a better chance at winning a scholarship by reviewing their applications. You can be another set of eyes on their form, essays, and more. If they have questions or want further guidance, direct them to their guidance counselor or trusted teachers and mentors. They can offer advice and insights that you may not be able to. Finally, if they have questions about a scholarship application or how scholarship winnings can be used, direct them to the scholarship provider or financial aid administrators. These professionals would rather answer your questions beforehand than reject your child’s scholarship application because of mistakes.

The Parents' Role in the Scholarship Application Process

As a parent, you shouldn’t be filling out your child’s scholarship applications or writing their essays, but it also shouldn’t be a hands-off approach. Your child needs your help and encouragement. This can be accomplished by searching for scholarships too, proofreading their applications and essays, and encouraging them to persist when they receive rejection. The process will be easier for them if they feel someone is walking beside them through it all.Start your journey by signing up for your own Fastweb account. At Fastweb, you can create a Parent Account that enables you to search for scholarships on your child’s behalf. With this account, you can share scholarship opportunities that you think are a great fit for them. Sign up now.

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How to Get your Child to Apply for Scholarships (2024)


When should my child start applying for scholarships? ›

That depends on each scholarship's deadline. Some deadlines are as early as a year before college starts, so if you're in high school now, you should be researching and applying for scholarships during the summer between your junior and senior years. But if you've missed that window, don't give up!

How to find scholarships that no one applies for? ›

Other ways to find unclaimed scholarships include asking your specific college or university what they offer, using the library's recommendation section, reaching out to businesses in your field of study, speaking to your high school counselor, and asking religious organizations if they offer scholarships.

What is the youngest age to get a scholarship? ›

You don't have to wait until high school to start applying for college scholarships. There are scholarships available to legal US residents from ages 5-21 years old. It's never too early to begin planning and saving for college tuition.

How do you increase your chances of a scholarship? ›

10 Ways to Stand Out When Applying for Scholarships
  1. Stay Organized. ...
  2. Request Letters of Recommendation in Advance. ...
  3. Pay Attention to Details and Requirements. ...
  4. Don't Copy and Paste Past Essays. ...
  5. Know Your Audience. ...
  6. Emphasize What Makes You Unique. ...
  7. Be Personal and Passionate. ...
  8. Present Yourself Professionally.

What month is best to apply for scholarships? ›

It is never too early to look and apply for scholarships. Even if the due date is still months away, it's good to get a head start. Late winter and early spring tend to be primetime scholarship seasons for the next academic year and the time frame when most scholarships will be offered.

What grade is the best to start applying for scholarships? ›

You'll have to start early to build the largest possible scholarship chest. Help your child develop a habit of researching and applying for scholarships in 9th and 10th grades and ramping up the effort the closer you get to senior year.

What is the easiest scholarship to get? ›

The Student-View Scholarship is open to all high school seniors regardless of test scores, GPA, financial need, and literally requires no essay. All you have to do is complete an online survey about local colleges. You could be one of 8 lucky winners!

What is the $2500 superpower scholarship? ›

Each year, the scholarship awards $2,500 to one (1) student who submits an ~250-word essay answering the prompt “Which superhero or villain would you want to change places with for a day and why?” If this sounds like a good opportunity for you, we encourage you to apply!

Are scholarships hard to get? ›

Another reason why scholarships are hard to obtain is the number of applications submitted for the same scholarship. Many scholarships receive hundreds of applications for an award that only has one winner. This means thousands of people could apply and not even be considered.

Should I apply for scholarships before applying to college? ›

You can apply for scholarships at any time before, during, or after the college application process, but make sure you apply based on your current status and grade level. Applying prior to the college application process or during means that you should look for high school scholarships.

When should high school students start applying for college? ›

When should I start applying to college? Start the application process the summer before your senior year. You can also do a lot of prep work your junior year, such as taking the SAT, researching campuses and visiting them, getting recommendation letters, and adding to your extracurriculars.

Can you get a scholarship for being the oldest child? ›

First in family scholarships offer substantial financial assistance to students who are the first in their immediate families to attend college. Scholarships are available through various foundations, universities, and corporations. Scholarships often consider both academic merit and financial need.

What 4 factors are scholarships awarded by? ›

By considering factors like academic achievement, financial need, leadership qualities, and personal statements, scholarship providers can identify deserving individuals capable of making a transformative impact on their lives and society.

What do scholarships want to hear? ›

Tell us about yourself.

In the end, the scholarship committee still wants to know: What motivates you to do (study or pursue a career in) what you plan to do? Remember, they're funding your future, so they want to know about your plans and why you're passionate about them.

How rare is it to win a scholarship? ›

Odds of Winning a Scholarship

Only about 1 in 8 college students wins a scholarship, and the average amount used to pay for college is about $4,200 a year. Very few students win $25,000 or more in scholarships each year (only about 0.1%). Among the students who win scholarships, 97% win $2,500 or less.

How early is too early to apply for a scholarship? ›

Therefore, it is best to start looking for scholarships for high school students as early as freshman year. Prior to senior year, many of these opportunities will be merit-based, require an essay, or ask you to submit specialized work like an art portfolio, film, or entrepreneurial idea.

When should a high schooler start applying for college? ›

Most colleges begin accepting applications in early August. If you know you'll have a busy senior year ahead, consider gathering your materials over the summer so you can start the process in August and September.

When should seniors start applying for college? ›

The majority of students apply to college in January or February of their senior year to meet regular decision deadlines. They hear back in April and choose a college by the national response date of May 1.

How early can colleges offer scholarships? ›

According to the NCAA rules, college coaches are not allowed to offer scholarships to recruits before August 1 or September 1, depending on the sport, of a student-athlete's junior year. These rules apply to all sports except football, women's and men's basketball, and baseball.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.