1. [Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Fighter of the Destiny 择天记
Jun 1, 2016 · Fourteen years old orphan Chen Changsheng (Luhan) leaves his town and goes to find a remedy for his sick master.
Cr wiki Details: Chinese title: 择天记English title: Fighter of the Destiny Genre: Ancient, Romance Episodes: 55 Director: Zhong Shu Jia (See You Again 時間都知道 , Prince of Lan Ling 兰陵王, Affair of Half a Lifetime 半生缘 ) Broadcast Period: April 17, 2017 - June 1, 2017 Replacing: A Different Kind of Prett...
2. Fighter of the Destiny (2017) - MyDramaList
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Chen Chang Sheng was abandoned in a flowing river and found by a Taoist monk. Plagued with an incurable disease, he is fated not to live past the age...
3. "Fighter of the Destiny" premiere introduces 'Chen Changsheng' Luhan
Apr 19, 2017 · I may have found my next crack in Fighter of the Destiny 择天记, a Chinese drama starring Luhan, Gulnezer Bextiyar and Janice Wu.
I may have found my next crack in Fighter of the Destiny 择天记, a Chinese drama starring Luhan, Gulnezer Bextiyar and Janice Wu.
4. 择天记Fighter of the Destiny - Facebook
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5. Fighter of the Destiny - 择天记 - TheTVDB.com
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太初元年,有神石從天而降,四散人間。傳說得觀神石碑文者可知天機。神石自此成為人間聖物,天下因此紛亂久矣。直至人族聯合西域妖族,將魔族驅趕到極地草原,方始承平。 少年陳長生(鹿晗飾)身世神秘,在襁褓之中被師父計道人從黃金巨龍口中救下,收為關門弟子。十數年里傳授道書三千卷。然而陳長生體質特異,無法修行,命數活不過二十歲。十多歲的陳長生出師下山,要去周朝神都奪取“大朝試”的頭名以得觀神石,逆天改命。 風從虎,雲從龍。因緣際會與自身努力,陳長生抵擋住了種種勢力的打壓,邁過修行關隘,實力一日千里。也結識了少年天才唐三十六、妖族公主白落衡、妖族武將軒轅破這些摯友,在他們的幫助下,在強手如林的“大朝試”中拔得頭籌。進入神石碑陵後,一夜觀盡陵前碑,引得天象震動。然而一切卻只是開始,隨著天下格局的變動,陳長生不得不捲入其中。
6. Fighter of the Destiny - streaming tv show online - JustWatch
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Is Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc. streaming Fighter of the Destiny? Find where to watch online!
7. Fighter of the Destiny (TV series) | Ze Tian Ji Wikia - Fandom
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Zetianji (择天记) TV drama was made in 2017. Zetianji is translated as "Fighter of Destiny". See List of Seasons and Episodes.
8. 死神少爷与黑女仆 - 萌娘百科
《死神少爷与黑女仆》(日语:死神坊ちゃんと黒メイド)是由井上小春创作的一部漫画。 原作介绍. 原作于漫画 ...
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